Minister Humphreys welcomes the interim report of the Review Group into the Offences Against the State Acts

3 August, 2021

The Minister for Justice, Heather Humphreys TD, today published the interim report of the independent Review Group established to review all aspects of the Offences Against the State Acts, 1939 to 1998.

The Review Group was established following a commitment given in the Oireachtas in 2020 during the debate on the renewal of certain provisions of the Offences against the State (Amendment) Act 1998.

The group began its work in March and, in accordance with its terms of reference, the Chair, Mr Justice Michael Peart, former judge of the Court of Appeal submitted an interim report to the Minister.

The terms of reference of the group include consideration of the following matters:

  • The current threat posed by domestic/international terrorism and organised crime

  • The duty to deliver a fair and effective criminal justice system to ensure the protection of communities and the security of the State

  • Irelands obligations in relation to Constitutional and ECHR rights and international law.

The Minister said:

“I am pleased to receive this interim report from the independent Review Group. The Offences Against the State Acts form the main body of counter-terrorism legislation in Ireland and it is important that the legislation is subject to scrutiny and review.

“I am grateful to the members of the Group for their work to date and look forward to their final report which will receive careful consideration by my Department.”

The interim report is published on the Department’s website here: